Poetry & Motion

Branding, Naming, Web Design, Photography

Poetry & Motion Logo

The Brief

Poetry & Motion is designed to help you discover the flow state. Carefully balancing the spiritual asana’s with the physical practices of yoga to unlock potential. The brief; to design an identity that incorporates the most important components of a yoga practice. The yoga market has become increasingly saturated in recent times. The brand would require distinctive assets - setting it apart from the competition.

The Idea

Poetry & Motion. The name connects the two sides of the yoga discipline in harmony. The logo is formed by combining three simple shapes, the ego (shown as a small circle), a book, and semi circles symbolising motion. All set to a geometric grid. For our typography we use Euclid Flex, courtesy of SwissTypefaces.

Poetry & Motion Website DesignPoetry & Motion Instagram Post
Poetry & Motion Photography
Poetry & Motion Website DesignPoetry & Motion Business Cards
Poetry & Motion Posters