Sustainability Roadmap

Sustainability Targets Year One 2023

1 Develop an internal sustainability policy that aligns with the Paris Climate Agreement and commit to becoming a carbon-neutral company by 2025.

2 Conduct a carbon audit of the agency's operations and establish a baseline for future reductions.

3 Identify and support at least two carbon dioxide removal (CDR) projects, such as afforestation or direct air capture, and incorporate these projects into the agency's sustainability strategy.

4 Develop a "green" procurement policy that prioritises sustainable and environmentally friendly products and services.

5 Support rewilding projects by partnering with at least one non-profit organisation that focuses on restoring natural habitats and protecting wildlife.

6 Offer sustainability think tanks and other companies lobbying government free creative services to help them communicate their messages effectively.

7 Develop a sustainability training program for all employees to raise awareness and encourage behavioural changes.

8 Host a sustainability conference or event to showcase the agency's commitment to sustainability and inspire others to take action.

9 Create a sustainability report to track progress and communicate the agency's sustainability achievements to stakeholders.

10 Partner with other companies in the advertising industry to promote sustainability best practices and encourage industry-wide change.

Sustainability Targets Year Two 2024

1 Continue to support CDR projects and rewilding initiatives.

2 Implement a sustainable transportation policy that encourages employees to use public transportation, carpool, bike, or walk to work.

3 Develop a sustainable office policy that includes energy-efficient lighting, equipment, and appliances, as well as waste reduction and recycling programs.

4 Offer sustainability consulting services to clients to help them develop and implement sustainability strategies.

5 Develop a sustainability certification program for clients to recognise and reward their sustainability achievements.

6 Host a sustainability hackathon to encourage innovation and creativity in the development of sustainable solutions.

7 Develop a sustainability-focused advertising campaign to raise awareness and inspire action on climate change.

8 Partner with academic institutions to support research on sustainability and climate change.

9 Create an employee sustainability engagement program to encourage employees to take personal actions to reduce their carbon footprint.

10 Expand the agency's sustainability reporting to include more detailed metrics and analysis of sustainability performance.